} Shape of the Week Focus Wall - HeidiSongs | Heidi Songs
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Shape of the Week Focus Wall Set
Shape of the Week Focus Wall Set
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Shape of the Week Focus Wall Set

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$ 4.00

Our Shape of the Week set of flash cards, mini posters, and questions was designed to be used on a Shape of the Week Focus Wall bulletin board on a pocket chart for daily review. When teaching kids basic concepts such as shapes, telling them once is just not enough! Daily review and practice is the key!


This set of flashcards and questions was designed to be used on a bulletin board or pocket chart on a Focus Wall in Pre-K, Transitional Kindergarten (TK), Kindergarten, First Grade, or homeschool setting. The purpose of any chart on a focus wall is to remind both the teacher and students of the concepts that the class is focusing on each day. Generally, the teacher reviews everything on the focus wall daily, and this is what Heidi does as well. This constant, daily review and practice helps most children learn basic concepts, such as shapes.

This file includes 85 pages, in color and black & white.

What's Included:

- Shape flashcards, both student sized and full paper size
- Real life shape examples
- Shape creatures poems
- Song lyric poems

All for the following shapes: Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle, Hexagon, Oval, Rhombus, Octagon, Pentagon, Sphere, Cone, Cube, Cylinder

- PLUS headers in color and black & white for 'Shape of the Week' and 'Shape of the Day', and BW only for 'Today's Shape'. As well as subject cards in color and black & white for: Shape, How many sides?, Examples, How many corners?, Flat or Solid, Shape Creature, Shape Song, Things That Are This Shape, Are the sides equal?, ?, How many faces? How many vertices?.

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